Analyzing The Passage 'Labels For Life'

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The passage “Labels for Life” is about the benefits of knowing how to read nutrition labels. In the passage the author states, “Learning how to read a nutrition label is not only a great lesson in the key elements of nutrition, but it’s also a great way to learn about making better choices.” Reading nutrition labels can provide a person with very useful information about the product he or she is eating, furthermore it is shown in the passage that nutrition labels can help with making better and healthier dietary choices. One last benefit of reading nutrition labels is that they can show you the nutrition that you need most. This evidence shows how the author supported his claim throughout the passage. One way the author supports his claim is by showing that …show more content…

You can use the official nutrition labels to discover the amounts of calories, fat, sodium, and sugar in each option and then select the one that is healthiest.” This means that despite labels on packaging claiming the product to be healthy, the product may have ingredients like high fat or sodium. The evidence shown proves that one way the author supported his claim was showing that nutrition labels give valuable information. Another way that the author supports his claim is by giving examples of how a nutrition label can help people make healthier choices about their food. In the passage, it talks about how nutrition labels can show the unhealthy and harmful ingredients in a product that are bad for you. This is shown when the passage states, “Nutrition labels help you to become better acquainted with what you are consuming.” In other words, reading a nutrition label can lead a person to make better and healthier choices about what they are eating. This evidence demonstrates that the author showed how nutrition labels can help us make better choices to support his