The Anarchy Condition Realism And Liberalism

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DEFINITION OF ANARCHY According to Macmillan English Dictionary , anarchy can be defined as a situation in which there is no government or no social control in a country. In the context of international relations, anarchy means that there is no hierarchical global authority which can set up and sustain regulation to create order in international affairs. Kenneth Waltz, in Man, the State, and War defines anarchy as a condition of opportunity for "permissive" cause of war, arguing that "wars occur because there is nothing to prevent them." It is the human nature or domestic politics of predator states, however, that provide the initial motion or "efficient" cause of conflict which forces other states to respond in kind. The anarchy condition …show more content…

Realism theorists emphasize that the anarchical international system command states to position security as their main interest because other states have a tendency to look opportunities to take benefit of each other by any means such as getting advantage from military force. This notion derived from the philosophy of necessity which views states actions as a result of predictable condition. In addition, realism view states violence as a result of the prevalent power struggle in international system. As Morgenthou said, “International politics is struggle for power”. Within this conditions the daily life in international system is always characterize by struggle among states with the possibility of war in the background. It can be conclude that the condition of anarchy shape the international politics by dictates states behaviour as the primary units in the …show more content…

Therefore, each state needs to constantly take full advantage of their relative power ability. Nevertheless, since security issue is zero sum, it create security dilemma, in which the more power gain by one state will make other state insecure and then seek to enhance its power as well. The security dilemma is a phrase used in international relations and refers to a situation in which actions by a state anticipated to increase its security, such as increasing its military strength or making alliances, which lead other states to react with similar measures, producing bigger pressure that create conflict, even when no side really desires it. In other word any effort a state makes to increase its own security will actually decrease its security. The rivalry between US and Soviet Union during cold war manifested through nuclear contest is one of the most evident examples of the security dilemma. Both countries continue building up their nuclear collection after each had obtained a secure second strike