Ancient Egypt: History, Language, And Government

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Ancient Egypt
Who built 130 pyramids? Where did men wear make-up? Today, you’ll learn a fascinating story about ancient Egypt! We will focus on its history, culture, language, and government. Read to know more about ancient Egypt! History Ancient Egypt had three main periods: Old Kingdom, Middle Kingdom, and New Kingdom. Intermediate periods filled the gaps between the main periods. In 4,000 B.C.E., Ancient Egypt had two parts: Upper and Lower. King Menes of Upper Egypt conquered Lower Egypt in 3,100 B.C.E. and 300 hundred years later, the Old Kingdom formed.
Lots of pyramids were built in the Old Kingdom for the burial of pharaohs. Pharaohs were rulers of various kingdoms, like kings in the modern world! Civil wars between nobles and pharaohs …show more content…

During the Middle Kingdom, art-making and architecture flourished, while ancient Egypt gained trading power. Unfortunately, the Hyksos fought the Egyptians and won. The New Kingdom was formed in 1,550 B.C.E., so the pharaohs evicted the Hyksos. Amenhotep was one of the pharaohs of the New Kingdom. He worshiped one god, Amon, and moved the capital from Thebes to Tell el Amarna, where Amon was born. When he died, the capital was moved back to …show more content…

They also had a Vizier, kind of like a Prime Minister. Nomaks ruled a nome, a small state throughout the Empire. Other rulers controlled other parts of the Government. Sadly, the citizens didn’t have any say in the government. That meant no voting, no protest, nothing. They even had to pay taxes to support the government! However, pharaohs and their family were treated like gods, so the people honored them without a second thought. Few people met the pharaohs, and they were considered very lucky when they did. Only top officials and high priests got to meet the pharaohs. They had to be clean, dressed in their best clothes, and kiss the ground at his feet. Their government was straightforward and didn’t have a pile of rules on everything as other governments did, unlike the modern world. Judges called Kenbet agreed on things simply from common sense. For example, if theft was happening around Egypt, Kenbet would make a law to stop the thieves!
That’s all for ancient Egypt! You know about its history, culture, language, and government. What’s something you learned about ancient