
Ancient Greece: The Art Of Believing, Comunication, And Competition

900 Words4 Pages

Prather deButts
History and Bible
10 February 2023
The Art of Believing, Comunication, and Competing Picture this. You are transported back to Ancient Greece. It seems oddly familiar. It is almost as if it is a distorted view of of today’s world. You see three themes that are still very revlavent in our modern society. The most profound characteristics that today’s world shares with Ancient Greece are the religion, launguage and unexpectedly yet most importantly, athletics. Religion is crucial in society. The Ancient Greeks, like many people, found comfort in religion. It explained the unexplained and put their minds at ease so that they could trust otherworldly powers to protect them. They used religion to explain such things as …show more content…

One could argue that athletics aree such a little component in ones daily life but they are all around. Athletics have united the world through the competitive games of the Olympics. Countries but aside wars and focus on competing and having a good time through a variety of sports. People all around the world look forward to the different games every two years. Who knew that a game could withstand the toll of time? Homer writes in his Epic Poem, The Odyssey that, “Here is the prize at issue, right before you, look- I set before you the great bow of King Odysseus now! The hand that can string this bow with greatest ease, that shoots an arrow clean throughall twelve axes-che is the man I follow…” (Homer; Robert Fagle 462). People valued games and athletics and found them to be the perfect way to compete for what Penelope said, a “prize”. It was a fair way to settle real issues in Ancient Greece. In modern times it is more for the aspect of fun but society never gave up on athletics.
Athletics, religion, and laungauge were crucial in Ancient Greece and still in today’s society. These attributes put a name to competing, beliefs, and communicating. Ancient Greece was so powerful because they did not fall short on any of these themes. They were so crucial that are a part of our everyday lives especially athletics. Ancient Greece and possibly even todays world would not be the same without athletics, religion, and launguage. They have all been around for many years and they aren’t going anywhere. i i i i i i i i i i i i i i I i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i I i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i I i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i

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