Andrew Jackson Dbq

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Andrew Jackson was the seventh President of the United States holding two consecutive terms from 1829 to 1837. He was a proud to representative for the American working class. This paid off for Andrew Jackson as he was one of the first presidents elected into office by earning a majority of the popular vote. Andrew Jackson’s inauguration brought thousands of Americans from around the country to witness the swearing-in of their new President, Andrew Jackson and First Lady Rachel Donelson. Andrew Jackson had a strong belief of democracy which he carried through his presidency.
Andrew Jackson was born in 1767 in the Carolinas. He was not raised a privileged boy and therefor his education suffered; however, in his teens he became interested …show more content…

While he was dining with friends, he was informed that the Senate had declined the nomination of Mr. Martin Van Buren as the Minister to England. Rumor has it that Andrew Jackson was so upset by this ploy pulled off by the Senate that he jumped to his feet and shouted, "By the Eternal! I'll smash them!" Andrew Jackson achieved this by requesting that Mr. Van Buren become the Vice President of the United States. Van Buren accepted his position which was a much more powerful position than being the Minister to England. Once again Andrew Jackson used his presidential power and overturned congresses …show more content…

It was Andrew Jackson who administration passed the Indian removal bill which faced stiff resistance in Congress. The humanitarian issues with the political objections nearly defeated the Indian removal bill. Only by dexterously assembling their forces Andrew Jackson's followers barely succeed in passing the Indian removal bill. The Indian removal bill was formally passed on May twenty-six of 1830. The passing of this bill showed the country the mass support the Democrat party had gained. This was a major breakthrough for Jackson’s administration, as one his underlining goals as president was to grown the Democratic Party.
Andrew Jackson’s planned to repair the Indian and white relations by allowing the Native American’s to choose if they wanted to live in the United States or on their own land. If they lived in the United States they could learn how to become a civilized race and grow within the United States laws. If they chose to live on their own land the Indian tribes would be required to move to an area set apart from the United States which is only to be used for the Indian tribes. The territory that was set aside for the Indian tribes was west of the Mississippi