Andrew Jackson Dbq Essay

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Andrew Jackson, an American lawyer, general, and statesman who served as the seventh president of the United States from 1829 to 1837 was viewed as a war hero and was praised for it, people thought of him as a democratic figure in society. But I think otherwise. Andrew Jackson had claimed various times that he would listen to and benefit his citizens so they can be “free” and be treated “fair”, yet, he did not take his word. And instead of helping his citizens, he mostly only benefited himself. So, here is my perspective on Andrew Jackson and how he wasn’t that Democratic as people come to believe. December 8, 1829, Andrew Jackson wrote to congress about how they were assigning people to government jobs because of favoritism. Andrew Jackson despised favoritism, he believed that people should get government jobs for the benefit of citizens, as he states in his letter, “The duties of all public officers are… so plain and simple that men of intelligence may readily …show more content…

He also turned citizens against the government while he was president. On July 10, 1832, Andrew Jackson writes another letter about Bank Veto to congress about how citizens are treated because of their class and wealth. “... The present Bank of the United States… enjoys an exclusive privilege of banking,... almost a monopoly of the foreign and domestic exchange…chiefly of the richest class… the rich and the powerful to often bend the acts of government to their selfish purposes…” Jackson believes that the rich and the powerful are capable of “bending” acts of government because of their wealth and power allows them too. So he turns citizens from the lower classes to go up against the government and the bank of the United States. When in reality, Andrew Jackson just made more conflict in the way people were treated differently because of their

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