Andrew Jackson Good Or Bad President Essay

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In my essay I wrote about Andrew jackson and whether he was a good or bad president. And I decided to pick that he was a bad president here's why Now i will tell you about the best,worst,good and bad- Best - when he became major general because he won many battles for us and let us be free from the british. As commander and later major general of the Tennessee military, he maneuvered himself into important theaters during the War of 1812. He crushed the Red Sticks at the Battle of Horseshoe Bend, thereby opening up more of the Mississippi Territory for American settlement. At the turn of the year, he inflicted a major defeat on the British at the Battle of New Orleans. After the war and with designs on the presidency, he hired a few biographers …show more content…

In his inaugural speech, Jackson articulates the principle of federal office rotation, ushering in the “spoils system” for loyal supporters of presidential candidates. Additionally, Jackson declares that government officials should not be allowed to serve inefficiently for excessive and indeterminate amounts of time; although his words are cause for concern, Jackson will replace only 9 percent of appointed federal officials during his first year in office. Meanwhile, his address is vague on issues such as the Second Bank of the United States, internal improvements, and tariffs.On March 4, 1829, Andrew Jackson took the oath of office and became the seventh President of the United States. Jackson's inauguration has become a part of American political folklore because thousand of people participated in the ceremonies. Jackson's supporters revealed in the image of an executive mansion, and by extension a government, open to all. His critics cited the chaos of the day as an example of the will of the people run amok. The lasting images of the inauguration have made it a staple in histories of the American presidency as well histories of Andrew Jackson and his times. 11/1832: Jackson wins …show more content…

Unlike the statement in Indian Country Media Network’s “Best Presidents for Indian country” story, it’s a bit easier identifying the “worst” presidents for Indian country. Five tend to stand out with the majority of the rest huddled together after that. Here are our nods to the presidents who did more harm than good for Native Americans while in office. Andrew Jackson: A man nicknamed “Indian killer” and “Sharp Knife” surely deserves the top spot on a list of worst U.S. Presidents. Andrew Jackson “was a forceful proponent of Indian removal,”. Others have a less gentle. way of describing the seventh president of the United States. “Andrew Jackson was a wealthy slave owner and infamous Indian killer, gaining the nickname ‘Sharp Knife’ from the Cherokee,” writes Amargi on the website Unsettling America: Decolonization in Theory & Practice. “He was also the founder of the Democratic Party, demonstrating that genocide against indigenous people is a nonpartisan issue. His first effort at Indian fighting was waging a war against the Creeks. President Jefferson had appointed him to appropriate Creek and Cherokee lands. In his brutal military campaigns against Indians, Andrew Jackson recommended that troops systematically kill Indian women and children after massacres in order to complete the extermination. The Creeks lost 23 million acres of land in southern Georgia and central Alabama, paving the way for cotton plantation slavery. His frontier