
Animal Bill Of Rights Essay

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Animal bill of rights Animals play an important role when it comes to a person's average life, but is passing a bill for animal rights going too far? Many will be supportive for passing the bill, but some like myself are a bit skeptical about the idea of animals getting full rights. The animal bill of right's goal is to give animals a voice and protect them from abuse, experimentation, and free them from in captivity. That seems like a great idea for the short-term, but how will it affect our medical research, economy, prices on leather, food, and most importantly the future for all animals? The advances and breakthroughs of our medical research continues to amaze us and save lives, both humans and animals, so why should we slow down now? "we live longer and healthier lives due to vaccinations, better drugs, and improved information about nutrition and disease prevention—longer lives are the result of animal research." Experimenting on animals my seem inhumane, but without animals more lives will be lost due to disease then saved if animals are set free from laboratories. Some may argue that there are many more ways to advance research studies and find vaccines for diseases than to use animals …show more content…

"The agenda of animal liberationists isn't the humane, proper treatment of animals. It is the end of all use of animals. And restaurants and the food industry had better learn that." The way that some factories treat animals may not be the best, but they are going to be end up as food in the end, which will help keep prices low for both clothing and food that will continue to feed the starving. In opinion, if you disagree and say animals are not food, but friends then you have the right not to eat meat and for those that continue to eat meat should receive the same amount of respect

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