Animal Farm: Communism: Advanced Form Of Socialism

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Neha Darji Darji 1
English II PreAP/GT -6
23 April 2018
Background Research for Animal Farm

1. Communism: Communism, an advanced form of socialism, focuses on the replacing of private property and profit based economies with communal control as well as public ownership. As a result, free enterprise came to an end in the nations that adopted communism. The Soviet government took mines, mills, the estates of the wealthy and redistributed them to the peasants. The wealthy were enraged and fought the Soviet government with the help of capitalist countries. In addition, the Russians were under communist rule during the Russian Revolution (“Communism”).

2. Totalitarianism: Totalitarianism …show more content…

Bourgeoisie and Proletariat: According to Marxist theory, there is a class struggle between the Bourgeoisie and the Proletariats. The Bourgeoisie own means of production and the Proletariats are the working class. After the Russian Revolution, Stalin made Marxism-Leninism the official doctrine of the communist parties (“Marxism”).

8. The February and October Revolutions of 1917: In the February Revolution of 1917 the monarch was dethroned and the Provisional Government took its place. However, the Provisional Government was overthrown by the Bolsheviks, this is known as the October Revolution of 1917. The Bolsheviks, under the direction of Lenin, were in control of the Soviet Communist Russian Government (“February Revolution”).

9. The Provisional Government and Bolsheviks/Mensheviks: The Provisional Government was the first to succeed at overthrowing the czarist Russian government. The Mensheviks split from the radical Bolshevik party. The Mensheviks believed in including democratic elements in government whereas the Bolsheviks were traditional radicalists (“Menshevik …show more content…

Leon Trotsky: Trotsky is best known to be the commander of the Red Army during the October Revolution of 1917. After Lenin’s death, there was a power struggle between Stalin and Trotsky, but Stalin won this power struggle. Trotsky was exiled and became the leader for an anti-Stalinist movement abroad until his death (“Leon Trotsky”).

16. Cheka/KGB and Pravda: After the Russian Revolution, the Cheka were the most durable form of protection for the Soviets. The Cheka often arrested and executed any anti-Soviet groups including the Bourgeoisie and clergy. The KGB was formed to “protect the revolution” and gather intelligence on domestic and foreign affairs (“kgb”). Pravda was the official newspaper of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. Pravda became an important part of the Bolshevik Revolution and was edited mainly by Vladimir Lenin who wrote about unity (“Pravda”).

17. Stalin’s 5 Year Plan for Industrializing Russia: Stalin instituted many 5 year plans in which he recognized economic goals for the Soviet Union. The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics became a leading industrialized power due to the success of the first 5 year plan. His 5 year plan included collectivization so that larger farms could feed the growing Russian population (“Joseph

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