Animal Testing A Criminal Act Essay

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At what point can human/animal research is considered a criminal act?

Visualize a defenceless little bunny trapped in a cage with needles full of medication forced into its soft fur. This happened after countless other tests. Everyday, animals are being tortured in the name of science. Science is great and helps us improve technology but it becomes criminal when animals are in pain or dying. There are multiple points in time to where experimenting on animals can be considered immoral but these are only two. The primary time when animal testing becomes criminal is when the animals are suffering. It’s awful because there are a limited amount of people against it. There are no laws either because, in everyone's eyes, it's going to help the human species. “Animals in laboratories are failed by the regulatory bodies set in place to protect them. Millions of animals are tested on without any relief from pain or basic care,” (Law). “ In 2012, monkeys were boiled alive when sent through scalding-hot mechanical cage …show more content…

This is after they torture them of course. “For an old-fashioned test for male fertility, doctors would try to fertilize a set of hamster eggs with a patient's sperm,” (Engber). I don’t see this as criminal as much as I see it as curiosity. It’s really the next sentence that worries me or give me an eerie feeling. “If they succeeded, the hybrids would be destroyed,” (Engber). Sure, it’s true that it’s unnatural to mix different species, but once you do, you have create life. The quote states that once they bring a new life to the world they kill it. Scientists do this all the time, and if it doesn’t work, it will most likely kill the animal producing the baby. The quote about the monkeys in the last paragraph is also a prime example about how animals die. It’s not just from mixing animal species together. Either way, an animal is being murdered and that is an injustice