Anne Frank Hiding Room Analysis

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Anne Frank and her family go into hiding into an old office building annex. Due to the Holocaust and them being Jewish they must go into hiding. They tell people they are going to Switzerland to trick the Nazi’s in thinking that's where they are instead of in hiding. Ultimately there were eight people hiding in this building, another family of Jews, called the Van Daan's, Mr. Dussel was also there without his wife because she wasn’t Jewish and didn't have to go into hiding. The Franks were there of course and another family that wasn't Jewish but was there to Protect them. Overall the secret annex was quite spacious compared to other Jew’s hiding places, Anne Frank even uses the word “ideal” to describe the place. A secret bookcase hid the …show more content…

At first, she doesn’t mind sharing a room with him, but as time goes by she finds him increasingly irritating because he makes jokes, and makes noises that sound like a fish gasping for air in the middle of the night. Anne likes to hang up anything on the walls that contains her interests like movie stars, and the royal family to brighten up the place. Also in this room is a table that got argued about all the time between the two of them because they both liked to work there. In this room is also where Pfeffer does some dentistry because after all, he is a dentist. The room next to that is the Franks family room, here rests furniture from their old house, and it is also where Anne comes to be comforted by her dad when she is scared about the bombings that take place during the night in Amsterdam. In here is where Otto, Edith, and Margot all sleep as well. In this room is also where they keep track of how tall the girls are growing. One of the doors in that room leads back into the hallway and that is the whole secret annex, although one of the doors I forgot to mention that is in the hallway is the door that the bookcase covers, and opens up into the office