
Anne Rowling Research Paper

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On July 31, 1965 in Yate, United Kingdom Joanne Rowling was born. Rowlings parent’s Anne Volant and Peter Rowling met in a train and later married March 14, 2965. Her father worked as an apprentice production engineer at an aircraft company, and her mom was a lab technician (Adney and Holly). Joanne was born around Bristol England, and grew up storytelling and with a younger sister. She loved rabbits and they and they affected her early writings, and made her want to become a writer when she wrote a story about a Rabbit and Miss Bee which she says sparked her love for writing. Rowling moved into the Tutshill where she got the county aspect of life, and her and her sister would go into the fields by themselves to play “witches and wizards”along …show more content…

On June 26, 1997 the small amount of 500 copies of Harry Potter was published. Little asked Rowling use her first two initials sense "boys supposedly don't buy books written by women." Since Rowling wasn't born with a middle name she used her Grandmother's first name, Kathleen, and J.K. Rowling was born. On June 26, 1997. The Philosopher's Stone was a huge success and Rowling published her second book,The Chamber of Secrets, in England on July 2, 1998. (Authors and Artist). After the huge success of the second book, Rowling's United States and British publishers both agreed to draw up contracts for all 7 books of the series. Prisoner of Azkaban was published in July of 1999 and not by surprise was another amazing success, and by summer 1999 Rowling received her first million-dollar check. In March of 2000 Rowling was accused of plagiarism for stealing terms like muggle, themes and plotlines by Nancy Stouffer, but it was quickly denied in court. Writing the fourth and fifth book were very tough on Rowling because of the deadlines she was forced to write in. The fourth book was especially hard because of a "plot hole" and she had to begin rewriting the book, she says "Writing Book Four was an absolute nightmare.". By the time the 5th book was finished in was published in 55 languages, and Her net worth was estimated 444 million, but Rowling claims that the only difference was she didn't have to worry about money anymore. After Rowling published Goblet of Fire, she took a much needed break of 3 years before producing the 6th book. Rowling finished the 7th book on January 23, 2005, and her 17 year journey had come to an end (Adney and

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