Annotated Bibliography

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Annotated Bibliography
Cole, Peter, and Tony Harcup. Newspaper Journalism. Los Angeles: London: SAGE, 2001. Print.
- I chose this book because it talks about newspaper journalism. Moreover, the authors go over the topic that is very important – what is the role of the newspaper in the modern society. Cole and Harcup believe that print news is far from dying as they are historically important to the society.

Kim, Yoonhey. “Between Facts and Norms: Journalism and Global Ethics.” Journal of International Affairs, Summer 2017: 163-174. Print.
- I chose this article because it examines public discourse and how it is impacted by the media, suggesting an ultimate ethical criterion for journalism. Journalism should be open to alternative interpretations …show more content…

Blur: How to Know What’s True in the Age of Information Overload. New York: London: Bloomsbury, 2010. Print.
- I chose this book because it talks about truth in the age of information. The authors show how to find a reliable news platform, and how journalists should work in order to build a reputation of an honest person and logical thinker.

López-García, Xosé, et al. “Technological Skills and New Professional Profiles: Present Challenges for Journalism.” Cominocar, 1 October 2017: 81-90. Print.
- I chose this article because it is about technology and professional practices in some of the new trends in journalism that are using the new tools: multimedia journalism, immersive journalism, and data journalism. It concludes that the technology is going to remain and change the digital process.

Quinn, Stephen, and Vincent F. Filak. Convergent Journalism: An Introduction. Burlington: Elsevier/Focal Press, 2005. Print.
- I chose this book because it talks about the convergence of the journalism. The authors explain what is convergence, how it will affect people’s life, how to be a writer on the web, how to learn some skills like digital video photography, editing for moving pictures, and being a good broadcast writer and