Annotated Bibliography

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Criteria #2

An article from a website that publishes statistical data, Statista, published an online resource that lists several statistics about the American pharmaceutical industry. The website lays out the information in bulleted topics that include graphs and varying topics. The statistics show that the United States affects the world commerce in pharmaceuticals by representing almost 50% of the total market. The United States exported from 2002 to 2016 approximately 52 billion dollars of pharmaceutical products throughout the world. Statista expects that pharmaceutical costs will continue to rise over the next few years, but some big name drugs however will be made available in the generic versions.

An online editorial “Pharmaceutical industry gets high on fat profits” from BBC News explains that in the United States pharmaceutical companies make big money compared to other countries in the world. The author included several figures and tables to justify this claim and use for the basis of …show more content…

The statistics are not as current as the ones provided in the sources mentioned above, but the trends for spending and number of generic drugs on the market are the same. Since there is a policy that allows a name brand drug to be made generic after ten years of being patented, many of the medicines we use today are often available in the generic form. The textbook goes into detail about the types of generic pharmaceuticals that can be manufactured whereas the articles lump them all into one category. As modern medicine evolves and the techniques used are improved, some drugs have been found to be harmful or have an alternative use to treat other diseases. Research and development is one sector that is necessary for pharmaceutical companies to keep up with the competition of new