Annotated Bibliography

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A study done by authors, Faye Mishna, Marion Bogo, and Jami-Leigh Sawyer, examines student interns and undergraduate student clients who utilized cyber counseling. They were asked to discuss the benefits and challenges that emerged from cyber counseling. The authors stated that the cyber world provides young people with unprecedented opportunities for communication with others both in and out of their existing face-to-face social networks (Mishna, Marion, and Sawyer, 2015). Research has shown that online therapies are more effective and satisfying than face-to-face therapy. Cyber counseling offers greater accessibility and flexibility. Some clients may not have the time to access face-to-face counseling, and this an effective way for them to receive their counseling. There are ethical considerations when engaging in cyber counseling, such as, maintaining confidentiality and methods of coping and worker/practitioner competence (Mishna, Marion, and Sawyer, 2015). It is important to set guidelines to promote a positive professional relationship. Clients who use cyber counseling like the idea because it eliminates the stress of meeting their therapist. …show more content…

Their participants consisted of clients who participated either in cyber counseling or in-person counseling. There was no differences found between online and in-person clients for average age, average service hours, or marital status (Murphy, Mitchell, and Hallett, p. 3, 2011). Also, there was no difference between genders with respect to their age. However there was one difference, which was that more in-person than online clients needed to deal with grief. More clients who used cyber counseling refused to disclose their referral source than did clients seeking in-person counseling (Murphy, Mitchell, and Hallet, p. 3,

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