Annotated Bibliography

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Headden, S. (2013). The Promise of Personalized Learning. Education Next, 13(4), 14-20.
The purpose of this article is to explore the results of a charter school in a low socio-economic area in Los Angles, California that is implementing blended learning. This is a unique case because the school is facing budget cuts and large class sizes. A typical class has three groups learning at any given time – one group receiving traditional instruction with the teacher, one group working independently at their own pace on computers, and one group working collaboratively in small groups. The school day is broken into two hour blocks with 40 minutes allotted to each station in the rotation. Each student has their own laptop for use during the school day. The school has found this model to be successful with their diverse group of learners, and they have found it to be a cost saving initiative
Corry, M., & Carlson-Bancroft, A. (2014). Transforming and Turning Around Low-Performing Schools: The Role of Online Learning. Journal of Educators Online, 11(2), 1-31. …show more content…

The article examined three key points (a) broadening access for all students and providing opportunities for students to recover course credit, (b) the potential to motivate and engage students due to the flexible and self-paced nature of online learning, and (c) providing highly individualized and differentiated environments allowing for personalized learning. Several benefits are presented throughout the article such as offering students flexibility to learn at their own pace, accessibility to content and material that can individualized to meet learner needs, and developing effective improvement strategies to help schools turnaround (Watson & Gemin,