
Annotated Bibliography: Eye On Education

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Critical Annotation

Thompson, D. C., Crampton, F. E., & Wood, R. C. (2012). Money and Schools (5th ed.). Larchmont, NY: Eye on Education.
Text Purpose

This text provides a comprehensive study of the process of school funding and resource allocation. Thompson, Crampton, and Wood (2012) argue that school and district leaders must abandon the old ways of school financing and budget distribution for a more current, equitable format. It must involve all stakeholders, including administration, teachers, parents, and community members (Thompson, Crampton, & Wood, 2012) and take place in the school. In a user-friendly presentation and conversational writing style, the authors successfully present general and specific budget information …show more content…

Thompson is a professor in the Graduate School of Educational Leadership and chair of the Graduate School at Kansas State University. His professional career includes experience as a classroom teacher, elementary and high school principal, superintendent, and professor. Thompson is one of the leading scholars in the field of financing in public education, and his current consulting work involves advisement or expert analysis for the state department of education, state legislatures, attorney generals, and litigants in school finance. Faith E. Crampton is an education consultant serving as President and CEO of Crampton & Associates and retired as Associate Professor of Education Finance and Policy in the Department of Administrative Leadership at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. Dr. R. Craig Wood is one of the leading scholars in the field of financing in public education. He is co-director of the Center for Education Finance and is currently is a professor at the University of Florida. Widely published, his current research focuses on the constitutional challenges of state methods of distributing money to …show more content…

In this section, the authors detail members who must be involved and their roles. The list includes the principal, central office personnel, and school site council members (Thompson et al., 2012). Fiscal decisions on instructional and other resources must be based on that specific environment (Thompson et al., 2012). The closer the decision makers are to the what is going on in the classroom, the more accurate the spending (Thompson et al., 2012). Therefore, in a site-based school, the concept is that individual schools should have the responsibility for curriculum, staffing, and budget decisions (Thompson et al., 2012). The fundamental belief by Thompson et al., (2012) is that decisions made at the school level consider the needs of students and staff. In this type of management, the authority of individual schools is with a site council that is comprised of the building principal, teachers, parents, and other stakeholders (Thompson et al., 2012). This forces individuals at the school level to gain new skills to manage the fiscal demands of a school (Thompson et al.,

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