Annotated Bibliography: Integrative Practice Social Work Practice

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Reflective Journal #2: Integrative Practice Social work practice aims at enhancing well-being and promoting social justice. The course material thus far asserts that segregation of micro and macro social work practices is detrimental to these aims. Furthermore, the course material encourages reflection on theoretical frameworks and personal practice methodology. Uniformly, the articles address the notion that the social work profession can improve strategies to address social justice and well-being through integrated approaches. The material discussed in this reflection elicits consideration of improved integrated interventions in my social work practice. Meta-Practice Framework The course material addresses social work micro-, mezzo-, and macro-practice …show more content…

The article suggests that “the profession can engage the “and” that both connects and overrches our traditional understandings of practice” (Austin et al., 2016). Comparably, Grise-Owens, Miller, and Owens (2014) assert that social workers must “bridge the gap” and appreciate the shared interests of micro and macro work to integrate interventions for enhanced effectiveness. Knight & Gitterman (2018) address the urgency of improved meta-practice approaches by virtue of community organization and group practice. In similar fashion, Mattocks (2018) discusses the necessity for the profession to engage in macro-level social action to decrease the micro-macro practice divide. Furthermore, Mattocks (2018) asserts that social workers’ identification with micro-level practice or macro-level practice adversely impacts adequate social action and social justice efforts. Benefits of Meta-Practice Approaches Ultimately, a meta-practice framework facilitates a structural and interlocking approach that marries micro and macro practice to increase social workers effectiveness in addressing social justice and enhancing