Annotated Bibliography Of Literary Criticism

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Isaac A. Huotari
14 Nov 2017
Annotated Bibliography of Literary criticism

Minnie Singh. The Government of Boys: Golding’s Lord of the flies

Minnie’s gives readers example of the disintegration of the erosion of restraint and the disintegration of society, in the Lord of the Flies. She talked about how earlier in the book the boy rodger was throwing rocks at another child, but he would not throw it within six yards of him, because it’s socially viewed as wrong. Yet near the end of the book when Piggy is killed by falling boulder Rodger is the one who sent the boulder rolling down at him. Minnie goes on about this for a bit then moves onto another story.

C.B. Cox: “Lord of the Flies” June 1960

Cox’s article on Lord of the …show more content…

Gale went over how Evil overpowered Good, in the novel Lord of the Flies. He went over Simon's good nature, Piggy's brains, and ralphs reason and a few events in the book to point things out. He went on to cover the possibility of influence of greek culture on the book most of Apollonian (reason) and Dionysian (emotion) aspects of life. Then he went on to speak of the morals and mortality of the story’s characters and how for most of them their morals changed for the worse and after that he went over symbolism and setting of the …show more content…

Golding saw the sinking of the bismarck, participated in D-day and directly devastated by the blitzkrieg bombings in england. Next Gale talks about the connections with the cold war and the novel. The cold war was based on threats, distrust and suspicion mostly and it seemed like that from the start of the book and only grew between Jack and Ralph, Piggy and Simon.

Gale: Cengage Learning 2015

Gale, reminds us of Golding’s past and how he experienced death, violence and a lot more in his life. Gale then covers how rich the novel is in symbolism, morals and hidden meaning that lay just beneath the surface. And lastly he covers how the book affected the world, it was a huge success right off the bat, and is still a required read in many schools and has affected the world of writeing in both fiction and nonfictionl.

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