Annotated Bibliography: The Trump And Populist Movement

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Trump and the Nationalist and Populist Movement
The year 2016 has appeared to be a year of political change and political movements that the world have not seen in decades. Starting in the spring of 2015, two outsider candidates embarked on what all the pundits laugh and scoffed that saying there is no chance of them winning. Those two men are independent socialist turned democrat Bernie Sanders and republican businessman Donald Trump. They have changed the way politics is looked at for a generation. In the United Kingdom the result of this nationalist movement took shape when the results of referendum vote to leave the European Union was decided on June 23rd 2016. In this paper the articles that attempt to explain this rise of the marginalized …show more content…

Author Kazin talks about the unique and unlikely populist that Donald Trump has been. In this article Kazin writes that Trump has tapped into a deep vein of distress and resentment among millions of white working and middle class Americans toward the government and the establishment elites. Similar to Trubowitz in his explanation of the two voter blocs of the Republican Party (Trubowitz, 2016) Kazin explores the two different populist traditions of the populist movement that has always been thriving in the United States. The first type of American populist directs their anger exclusively upward. This was mainly at corporate elites and their enablers in government who have supposedly betrayed the interests of the people who do the nation’s essential work. The second American populist tradition, Trump’s brand, also blame elites in big business and government for undermining the common folk’s economic interests and political liberties (Kazin, 2016). Kazin then goes on to frame this type as having racial element that excludes any dark skinned person and is only for European Americans he claims. Kazin compared Trump’s version of populism to that of the Ku Klux Klan of the 1920s for pushing Congress to pass laws limiting eastern and southern European immigrants. Kazin explains that Trump’s condemnation toward the global elite for promoting “open borders” and his position on restricting Mexican and Muslim immigration is the reason for this. Kazin then talks about Trump’s 'America First' message that he talked about during a major address last April when Trump said it “America First will be the major and overriding theme of my administration." Which he connects to the America First Committee of the 1940s that was anti-war and had an anti-Semitic element to it before World War II. Kazin then goes on to say that Trump’s slogan might as well been “Make America Hate Again” because of what