Antibiotics-A Political Resolution To Antibiotic Resistance

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A Political Resolution to Antibiotic Resistance
Through the 20th century, antibiotics allowed human beings to flourish. They were critical to infection control and allowed for stronger medical procedures that invariably extended life. From their beginnings with Alexander Fleming’s discovery of the uses of penicillin, antibiotics have been considered “wonder drugs.” With their widespread popularity post-World War II, they became a staple in American industrialized medicine (Podolsky 27). With increased prevalence, antibiotics began to fail in their earlier efficiency in treating bacterial infections. In the 1960s, antibiotic resistant strains were established after penicillin was available over the counter for ten years (Davies et al.). This was the beginning of a trend of inappropriate distribution of antibiotics that resulted in frustration about …show more content…

According to the World Health Organization, an agency created by the United Nations that regulates and combats public health issues, antibiotic resistance is the rejection of microorganisms, such as bacteria, fungi, and parasites, to an antimicrobial drug where the treatment becomes increasingly ineffective. High intake of antimicrobial drugs results in an increased development of these drug-resistant strains (Antimicrobial). In the political realm, the history of antibiotic reforms has seemingly tackled individual market entry of specific antibiotics, but has failed to address the generalized reforms on the overuse of medicine as a whole (Podolsky 28). Despite current reforms, the political changes have not resulted in direct legislation to create various solutions. The American policy concerning the human use of antibiotics should include reforms that are quick to decrease antibiotic resistance through antibiotic