
Apollo 12 Research Paper

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On July 21st of 1969, Neil Armstrong made history by becoming the first man to step on the moon. His famous quote “That's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.” Is present in every history textbook forever. The United States became the first country to successfully land on the moon with the Apollo 11 mission to the moon. After that, there were several other mission to the moon, like the Apollo 12. We will be taking a look at both the Apollo 11 and Apollo 12.
The Apollo program was the third United States program focused on human spaceflight carried by NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) who mission was to achieve human landing on the moon. This program consisted of several launch mission that came with 16 successful …show more content…

The Apollo 12 was the sixth manned space flight and the second land on the moon by the Apollo program. Apollo 12 was an Apollo CSM-108 and an LM-6, the spacecraft was launched on November 14th of 1969 at 4:22 UTC and was launched from the John F Kennedy Space Center in launch complex LC-39A.
The Apollo 12 was commanded by Charles “Pete” Conrad; the Lunar Module was piloted by Alan L Bean while Richard F Gordon Jr remained in orbit. Conrad and Bean landed in an area known as Oceanus Procellarum near Surveyor crater near Surveyor 3. Surveyor 3 was an unmanned spacecraft launched two and a half year prior on April 20th of 1967; the probe was sent to explore the moon surface.
The astronauts had 31 hours and 31 minutes in the lunar surface. During this time, they conducted experiments, took photographs and collected samples as well as taking parts of the Surveyor 3 for further examination. After docking with the command module, the lunar module was dropped and crashed on to the moon surface; this caused the first artificial moonquake recorded in …show more content…

Both Apollo 11 and Apollo 12 consisted of the same guidelines, as they both used the same spacecraft and modules. They both had the same mission which was to achieve a manned lunar landing. They both used Saturn V SA-506 and SA-507 rockets and were both launched from the John F Kennedy Space Center in Merritt Island, Florida. Both missions consisted of a three crew mission; a command module pilot, a lunar module pilot who would assist on the surface exploration and a commander.
Though Apollo 11 and Apollo 12 happened in the same year, the Apollo 12 was a considerably longer mission. Apollo 11 was an 8 day, 3 hours, 18 minutes and 35 second mission with a stay in lunar surface of 21 hours and 36 minutes; the Apollo 11 however, was a 10 day, 4 hours, 36 minutes and 24 second mission with a stay on the moon surface of 31 hours and 31 minutes. Apollo 11 took 4 days to reach moon orbit and 2 days to come back while Apollo 12 took 4 days to reach moon orbit as well, it took them 3 days to come back.
The Apollo 12 was also a more precise mission as they landed precisely where they were supposed to, while Apollo 11 was several miles off the

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