Application Essay: A Career As A Medical Assistant

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I believe that I am a deserving candidate for this scholarship because I know I am ready to work with the medically underserved population. After immigrating to the United States from Syria, my family and I were granted government-funded healthcare insurance. While grateful for this privilege, my family quickly realized the glaring flaws in this system. Due to the shortage of physicians willing to accept this type of insurance, it is not unusual for patients such as my family to wait over a month to get an appointment with their primary care physician. Even a simple referral for a specialist or medically necessary procedure could take weeks for approval. Being on the onerous end of the medical process strengthened my resolve to give excellent medical care as a doctor one day. For now, I try to do my best to aid the underserved community. I now volunteer by offering free tutoring services to five students whose …show more content…

I am very proud of being a Medical Scribe at Inland Valley Medical Center. I became a medical scribe only 7 years after immigrating to the United States and learning the English language. Upon my arrival to the US, I did not speak a word of English; today I am able to type and comprehend a complex language of medical terminology and lexicon. The ability to learn and navigate multiple “languages” makes me a strong advocate for patients in the exam room. From years of striving to figure out the meaning behind foreign words and spoken syntax, I am very adept at reading subtle cues such as body language and tones of voice. Working closely with doctors and nurses not only allows me to be an important part of treating a patient but also, in many cases, vastly improve and even save their lives. Working as a scribe has given me new meaning to the word physician. Most importantly, it has helped me define myself as a person, a student, and even a medical

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