Arabia Research Paper

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The introduction of Islam brought many beneficial changes to Arabia Peninsula between 550 and 1250 A.D. Many aspects of the changes such as political, economic and cultural changes helped shaped Arabia into powerful region that produced advances in fields of study and continued to influence greatly on other parts of the world. Prior to the Islamic Arabia, a period known as Jahiliyyah, politically there were absences in the form of governments. Arabians were split into tribes with a tribal head chief, usually the eldest head male. Tribes were constantly at warfare, struggling for the position of power, commonly resulting in a stalemate with no dominant force. Economically, pre-Islamic Arabia revolves primarily on commerce of goods like dates, …show more content…

Faced with opposition at first from Mecaa, he moved to Yathrib, where it grew rapidly into a large number of supporters. Eventually, he was able to unify the formerly independent tribes of Arabians into a single empire in 630. Contrasting the present Arabia with its former self, it politically now has an established government authority and unified into a large growing empire that stretch northern aftrica to Persia by Abu Bakr in 661 after the death of Muhammad. Economically, the Arabia still revolves primary on commerce. However, influential changes like the introduction of public treasury which funded development of cities took place and discouragement of illicit marketing through their Islamic beliefs, spurred a rise in their culture. In addition, slaves were also given more rights such as buying their own freedom. Culturally, lslam weren’t of much difference from the former Arabia as they were still rich in their culture with poetry as their thing. However one addition to the Arabian culture was the introduction of calligraphy as the empire prospered, as did the rise in number of individuals who are literate which gave rise to numbers of arts