
Araby Research Papers

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Daniel Morrow Prof. Gall LITR210 18 April 2016 Short Story Research Paper The first short story that I have chosen to research is The Tell Tale Heart by: Edgar Allen Poe. The Tell Tale Heart was published in January of 1843. Edgar Allen Poe was an American writer most widely known for his romantic works. He was born January 19, 1809 and died on October 7, 1849. Throughout his life he held many careers and lived in many places. He also known for his specific style of literary criticism. This job sector led him to do a lot of moving around from city to city. His writing career gave us the literary works like “The Raven” and “The Fall of the House of Usher”. His tales of horror and mystery have made him famous. Although he is a famous figure now …show more content…

James Joyce’s “Araby” also has some of these types of characters. In James Joyce’s “Araby” we are presented with the characters: the narrator, an unnamed young man, Mangan's sister, and the uncle. The story slides in a nice twist to the usual roles and endings of characters that makes this story unique. The villain in this story is not necessarily a specific character, but of poverty. The “villain” that struggles against the hero is the fact that his family does not have a lot of money so he has to wait for his uncle to get home to give him the money to go to Araby. The dispatcher in this story would be Mangan’s sister. Her conversation with the narrator give him a further deeper reason to go to Araby. She highlights her desire to go which makes the narrator offer to get her a gift, committing him to the “quest”. The helper is the person that helps the hero on their quest. The helper in this story is the narrator’s aunt. When the uncle takes forever to get home and then proceeds to stall in giving the boy money; she stands up for the boy and helps him by making the process go faster. The princess/prize is what the hero deserves throughout the story but the villain prevents her from doing so. The journey often ends with the hero marrying the princess, thereby beating the villain. In the case of Araby the prize is the happiness that he would have by getting her a gift, but unlike usual prizes he doesn’t get it and realizes he doesn’t love her. The donor prepares the hero. In Araby the donor is the uncle. Although he hinders the process slightly in his long absence that stalled the hero on his quest he did provide the money needed to reach the Araby. So for that he is the donor that has a hand in accomplishing the quest. The hero is the one who reacts to the donor, finished the quest and weds the princess. In Araby the hero

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