
Are Super Bowl Commercials Effective?

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Super Bowl Ads

How are commercials effective? The answer is...to suggest products or places. Some people may think ads are useless but I agree. Commercials are effective because, they advertise products or places, Helps companies advertise their products or place, and gives information. Commercials are effective because...

First, commercials are effective because they advertise product or places. According to Super Bowl Commercials, " Most community's save their best super bowl ads." First, if they're a ad about the super bowl that's showing about the super bowl where it's at. Next, ads help products get sold and informs about the product. It helps out products get sold so companies get money quicker. If nobody knew what a ad was a lot of things wouldn't sell as much. Furthermore, if people gets ads they might want to go to that place or get that product because they want it or need it. If you see a ad you get information about the place or product that might make you go. So as you can see, commercials are effective because they advertise product or places. …show more content…

According to Super Bowl Commercials, "Some commercials are also shared beyond the super bowl, which continues promotion of the companies and their products." First, ads help advertise a place or product. That really help companies sell products. Next, it explains what a product does so if you might want or need that product you know where to buy it. Furthermore, ads give awareness about products or places. If a place is giving a sell on their prices a ad can show that they're a sell on their prices. So as you can see, commercials are effective because ads help companies to sell their

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