The Importance Of Self-Help Groups

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According to, there has been 56 million abortions in the United States alone since 1973. This results in both women and men left devastated and with a dreadful decision they can never take back. How will you live with the sin of abortion? All human life, born or unborn has a value which makes terminating your pregnancy an act of homicide.

An abortion is the early removal of the fetus or embryo before it can survive outside the uterus.Generally performed during the first 5-13 weeks of pregnancy. The most common being surgical abortion and medical abortion. A surgical abortion is performed by a doctor or nurse by using medical instruments and gentle suction to remove the pregnancy from your uterus normally taking …show more content…

The aftermath of an abortion if full of pain and grief luckily there is many pro-life organizations helping women deal with their pain and trying to prevent them from having abortions.Research shows that self-help groups have a powerfully positive impact on us. Mutual help groups are a powerful and constructive for people to help themselves and each other. Out of this compassion comes cooperation. From this cooperation comes community." (Phyllis Silverman (1995) Introduction to the Self-Help Sourcebook (p. 24). During post-abortion healing there are many organizations online or local working to help and show that abortion is not the only …show more content…

Women should give their unwanted babies to couples who can not conceive instead of aborting them. As reported by the US Department of Health and Human Services 2.6 million women in America were trying to adopt children in 2002. As a result of the lack of women putting their children up for adoption, the number of US infant adoptions dropped from about 90,000 in 1971 to 18,000 in 2007.

Abortion became legal in the United States in 1973 requiring all 50 states to possess a minimum of one abortion clinic. However, each state can limit the use of abortion or create trigger laws .In approximately three-fourths of America, abortion is legal .A pro-choice advocate believes that abortion should be legalized and they support a woman’s right to make her own decisions about her body. They assert that the government does not have the right to control a woman's decision to terminate the pregnancy.

Therefore, abortion is one of the highest debated topics in the world either being pro-choice believing that a women has the right to make her own choices about her reproductive system or pro-life which is opposing abortion. Abortion is displeasing to God and disobeys his word. Abortion also causes the unborn baby to feel extreme pain and reduces the number of children to adopt for women who can not conceive. All this being said, it is simply unrealistic to believe terminating your pregnancy is acceptable under any

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