Competitive Sports Argumentative Essay

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Competitive Argument Essay Subtopic: Competitive sports cause more injuries. By, Westin Hoffman 4 Intro About 3.5 million kids get injured each year, that’s a lot. Some argue that kids should play sports because of many health benefits but I still think that competitive sports are a not a positive effect, but still people think that they cause more injuries than other activities. I will talk about the fact that I think that kids should not play competitive sports because they can cause injuries.It is clear that overall that competitive sports cause various injuries. Because injuries can cause smaller injuries and lead to bigger injuries, because kids lose playing time, and because overuse of a part of your body can cause more or worse injuries …show more content…

Dr. Paul Stricker, a pediatric and adolescent sports-medicine specialist and member of the American Academy of Pediatrics Council on Sports Medicine & Fitness, finds that today’s children athletes are suffering from injuries due to overuse and acute trauma which used to be seen only in adults. Also almost all sports you do a certain movement and or task so that can later strain it in the future. (Konerman, 2017) For last when kids return from injuries they can feel like they have to try harder to get back into shape and that can cause more injuries because they could try to hard. But there are ways that you can prevent that you can get injured but still that is hard to do because any sport you can get injured …show more content…

It’s clear that overall that competitive sports cause various injuries. And still they can help you with lots of many health benefits. Because injuries can cause smaller injuries and lead to bigger injuries, because kids lose playing time, and because overuse cause more injuries. You could also play at a lower and not as competitive stage and even join some other club or activity. I am saying this because kids get injured to much and this number of injuries should go down and this is the way to do so. And even you could have your kids rest more to have the kids take a break and even relax from a hard sporting