Argumentative Essay: Gun Control In The United States

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Researching for this political debate and then listening to all of the presentations made me thought a lot about my own political beliefs and ideologies. It was good to have a topic for the debate that I actually felt strong about and believed in. It made it easier for me to research and to present because I believed the things that I was saying. My political leaning is definitely fiscally conservative but I am not a libertarian. It goes without saying what party I align with when it comes to taxes. However, I tend to lean towards the Republican Party for a few social issues as well. Then for other social issues I am more moderate and other times I side with the democrats. The three topics that I learned the most about over the past week or …show more content…

Gun control is one of the most hotly debated topics in our current upcoming election. Hillary Clinton wants to limit people’s ability to purchase military grade assault rifles. She also wants to limit those who are on the “no fly” list from purchasing weapons. Donald on the other hand wishes to remove all limits on purchasing guns because it is our second amendment right. Now, whether or not he actually believes that or is just saying it to get votes is up to debate. In the past he was a liberal man and for him to change so drastically is a little concerning. When it comes to gun control I am personally for restrictions on who can own a gun. It still allows law abiding citizens to own a weapon to protect themselves from others and the government but prevents lunatics who want to cause harm. I am for psychological evaluation as part of the test to own a firearm. I understand why Republicans want no regulation on guns but that fact of the matter is that for me to feel totally safe there needs to be heavy restrictions on guns. Republicans often point out Chicago as an example of how gun control does not actually work in this country. Chicago has some of the strictest gun laws in the country and the homicide rate for that area is astonishing. However, I believe that gun control is not the deciding factor in what causes these massive numbers of homicides. These people are brutal and are getting their guns from somewhere else, maybe even legally. If gun control was country wide then no matter where you went it would be impossible to get a gun legally if you were deemed unfit and extremely difficult to get one on the black market. I am not going to pretend like we can just up and get rid of the black market but limiting the supply going in will make it extremely difficult for individuals to get