Argumentative Essay On Civil Rights

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The year is 1700, you’re being chased. As you run they get closer and closer. You begin to panic and fall, they catch you. After you’re caught they put you on a ship. Upon arrival you are surrounded by white men whom are placing bids on you. After being bought, you are put on a plantation to work. Now let’s jump 250 years into the future. As the African American community follows Dr. King down the street to celebrate equal rights, you rejoice with happiness. Over the years civil rights have been a continuous battle, but in time it has gotten better.
Throughout the years the same problems have surfaced do to racial rights. From slavery to Martin Luther King Jr’s Birmingham jail letter, equality has always been an issue. Civil rights have come a long way. Dr. King once said “We must live together as brothers or perish together as fools” (Martin). By saying this he is implying that all people no matter the color of their skin should live as one. I think the community of Ferguson, MO should take this quote into consideration. I personally think if this were an African American officer shooting the African American man this whole situation wouldn't be as big of an issue. Too often …show more content…

King’s methods could help the community of Ferguson. In order for his methods to work, the people of the community have to be willing to accept the methods. One of his works, I think would be the most effective, is called the 6 principles of nonviolence. The first principle states that nonviolence is a way of life for courageous people. I agree with this method, because it takes a brave person to nonviolently react to harsh comments and grave actions being taken on the African American community. The second principle states that nonviolence seeks to win friendships and understanding. In order to come to an understanding and compromise in the community, every one of all races have to come to an understanding of all situations (The