Maggie Gallagher's Gay Marriage Debate

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The debate concerning gay marriage have existed for many years now. Many questions have been asked, very few have been answered. Nonetheless, the debate lively goes on creating rational debates and discussions as well as aggressive uproars. Through the years experts, scientists, politicians and ordinary citizens have uttered their opinion of the matter. One of those is American writer, socially conservative commentator and co-founder of the National Organization for Marriage Margaret Gallagher Srivastav, better known under the name Maggie Gallagher. Maggie Gallagher is an opponent of gay marriage and of the belief that “sex makes babies, society needs babies, children need mothers and fathers. ” Gallagher’s focus, as you can see from the previous quote, is the children. She fears that redefining marriage to include same-sex marriage may cause damage to the values of having both a mother and a father. Gallagher is against legalization of gay marriages, in order to achieve the greater good. Furthermore, she questions if such a vast social change to gratify a small population, is the right thing to do. Gallagher says that “stopping gay marriage is not victory, it is only a necessary step to the ultimate victory: the strengthening of a culture of marriage that successfully connects sex, love, children, and …show more content…

What Blankenhorn writes in ‘How My View on Gay Marriage Changed’ could be seen as somewhat contradictive. Blankenhorn starts out by writing how the time has come for him to accept gay marriage. However, both in 2007 and in 2010 he emphasizes his reluctance against gay marriage. On the same page as he says, he accepts gay marriage he writes: “I have written these things in my book and said them in my testimony , and I believe them today. I am not recanting any of it.” Has David Blankenhorn really changed his opinion of gay