Argumentative Essay On Gun Control

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Ever used a gun? Chances are that answer is yes. Guns are a vital part of American history and the American culture. Although there are some people that do wish to take guns away, there are more people that want to keep guns available than take them away. For the people that want to take guns away I would say, the right to own guns is a constitutional right, it is necessary to be able to own guns, and when guns are out lawed or restricted crime does not change. The constitutions second amendment gave citizens the right to own and bear arms. It is evident that the founding fathers never intended on taking guns away. It was such an important freedom that they made it second on the bill of rights. The founding fathers made the constitution to protect people from what is thought to be good intentions. The constitution also states clearly that all of the law making powers are given to congress. Some presidents do not like this however, and try to pass executive orders. Executive orders are unconstitutional and …show more content…

Without the founding fathers standing up to keep guns there would not be a United States of America. Many people still use guns to defend their rights and freedom. According to the National Rifle Association guns are used for self-defense 2.5 million times a year. Strict gun control only hurts the law abiding citizen because if a criminal wants to obtain a gun he will purchase it on the black market or steal it. Although some gun regulations are needed such as a background check that is extremely simple and easy to complete. Out-lawing guns on the other hand or passing extremely tough regulations is not acceptable. As history has shown like in Adolf Hitler’s case you should never relinquish your guns to the government. Within a week of gaining power in German Adolf Hitler ordered gun owner to join the military with their weapons or be considered an enemy. Guns are not the problem in crimes it is the people using the