Why Is Bang For The Buck Important In History

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After reading "Bang for the Buck", it is evident that the guns have had a special place in history. The major problem is that the political class got it all wrong when it decided to allow citizens to own guns and made it became more of a love affair. Apparently, people had held different types of rifles during the militia wars that took place a long time ago in the United States history. One most critical recognizance of the history of the guns can be seen by looking at Britain's Militia Acts that took place in 1661 and 1662. The amendment gave an opportunity for the American citizens for rival groups to fire salvos at each other, and it largely played a part in the enhancement of gun violence that is still in play in the country. It is evident …show more content…

The major problem is that the political class got it all wrong when it decided to allow citizens to own guns and made it became more of a love affair. Apparently, people had held different types of rifles during the militia wars that took place a long time ago in the United States history. One most critical recognizance of the history of the guns can be seen by looking at Britain's Militia Acts that took place in 1661 and 1662. The amendment gave an opportunity for the American citizens for rival groups to fire salvos at each other, and it largely played a part in the enhancement of gun violence that is still in play in the country. It is evident that the history of guns can be traced back to the colonial times. The privatization of warfare continued even after the American independence as the armed settlers moved to take more and more land. Apparently, the use of guns continued over the centuries until the formation of National Rifles Association, and up to today when mass shootings have become a normality. Amazingly, the use of guns and rifles have been used over the years to promote political and personal interests. Before independence, militias used rifles to fight against the oppression of the king. After independence, guns were used to protect slaves from escaping and ensure that the landowners protected their lands. Rifles were then important in the westward expansions. Nowadays, most of the shootings are aimed at the black Americans, and it is still amazing that no laws have been passed to control the use of these