Argumentative Essay: Do Guns Make America !

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Guns make America! The reason for our fore fathers traveled to America was because they were oppressed by Great Britain. The few wise leaders of our uprising nation decided to start a revolution against all of the rules and standards that were set by their “rulers”. After they had realized that protests and negotiation wouldn’t lead them to victory they decided to use warfare and guns. Many people were lost on both sides of the battle; in the end, our uprising nation had claimed its victory and its freedom. Sure there are good sides to anti-gun laws such as limiting terrorism or crime, but that won’t stop most people from committing crime or causing terror. We use guns and warfare to resolve some world disputes that can’t simply be talked out, without guns, there would be no sports hunting, and guns also let police minimize the crime that occurs on the streets, so there would be an incline with crime. There are many reason that guns are useful and we should not be oppressed because they are misused. If guns were illegal to own then that would put an end to hunting. Nearly twelve million people in the U.S. hunt annually, it’s part of many people lifestyle not to mention that many hunters use the resources that an animal provides. With guns being outlawed, it would put thousands of game wardens and workers of the Fish and Game Dept. out of work. Taxidermy would almost completely be obsolete in this situation because there would be no animals to provide these services to. Game …show more content…

Eliminating guns would not solve these problems in the cities, and may end up causing more problems in the cities than what it solves. In addition, the environmental and economic impacts that it would cause would far exceed what problems it may or may not solve. Strong gun control is a bad idea, and those who say otherwise are fooling themselves by not looking at the big