Persuasive Essay On Gun Control

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The total number of gun related incidents in 2016 was 25,183. Out of all of them only, 852 were intended for self defensive use, which is is the only use that most laws allow guns to be used for( Gun violence Archive). Gun violence is always a problem and laws will not change the way people use guns. It is a person's decision on how they intend to use the weapon. Enforcing gun control laws and regulations will not solve gun violence. In the United States it is our right as a citizen to be able to handle a weapon. When the constitution was made people's right to bear arms was declared. “ The second amendment of the constitution states that a well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed”(Carter). People are able to own guns on their own once they are of age (at least 18 years of age). Although most states require carry permits. A large majority of citizens exercise their right to the second amendment. “The United States has an estimated …show more content…

The reason why guns are sold is to protect and aide us. “Taking away law-abiding citizens ability to defend themselves, gun supporters insist will not reduce gun violence”(Stingl). There are people who abuse the laws and regulations, but then there are also people who respect them. If you take away the guns from the respectful people they do not have a proper way to defend themselves. People have always depended on guns, like early Americans relied on them to hunt for food and expand the West. Violence happens because of people’s decisions not guns. “Even if all the gun related homicides were taken out the U.S. would still have a higher murder rate than a normal country would”( Stingl). People can die in many ways like natural causes and violence causes. Guns amount for only one small factor of the populations deaths . Guns may assist in violence, but they are not the reason why it