Argumentative Essay On Gun Control

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I can remember the first time I turned on the television to see the horrifying story of a mass shooting. It was the shooting in Aurora, Colorado at a movie theatre which murdered twelve people and harmed an additional seventy ( Since then, there has been mass shootings in Newtown, Connecticut; San Bernardino, California; and Orlando, Florida; plus, not to mention the daily shootings that occur all over the United States.
As more and more shootings arise, so does the debate over whether the United States should have stronger gun control. A major concern of people when the topic of gun control comes up is that it will take away our right of the Second Amendment. Yet this isn’t the truth. The United States should have stronger gun control because it would lessen the number of …show more content…

If you did not know, the Second Amendment states, “A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed” (US Const. amend. II) As I stated earlier, people are highly concerned that stronger gun control laws will take away this right. I completely understand this concern, yet my research has led me to discover that this should not be a worry. David Kopel, an associate political analysist and a professor at Strum College of Law, said in an interview on The Diane Rehm Show on National Public Radio that it is constitutionally fair for gun control measures to be used. The president and CEO of The National Constitution Center, Jeffrey Rosen, said that the Second Amendment was created with limitations of firearm ownership ( In the 1600s, it was a crime to give a gun to people such as Catholics, slaves, and the homeless ( Gun control measures have been around even before the Second Amendment came into