
Argumentative Essay On Gun Control

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On December 5th, 1791, the Bill of Rights was adopted, the right to bear arms being the second amendment. However, that amendment was put in place to have a well regulated Militia to protect the people of the United States. Gun control should be enforced because it will benefit the country. It Guns are rarely used in self-defense, gun control would lead to fewer suicides, and it would help prevent accidental deaths. First of all, some say that they need a gun present to protect their family and/or themselves. A Pew Foundation report found that 79% of men that possessed a gun said having a firearm made them feel safer. However, five women a day are killed in America. “A woman’s risk of being shot increases by 500% if a gun is present during an argument”. Having a gun in the home might be safe for a certain amount of men, but it especially dangerous for women. Having a firearm to “protect” your family can backfire, and the man could find himself pointing the gun at somebody but not meaning to. More gun control laws are needed to prevent women from getting shot all across America. …show more content…

29,618,300 violent crimes were committed between the years of 2007 and 2011. Only .79% protected themselves with a threat or use of a gun. Those that argue they should have a gun if a violent situation occurs, the statistics show that they will most likely not use the gun to protect themselves when under pressure. In 2010, there were only 230 “justifiable homicides” when a civilian used a firearm to kill a criminal. most do not use a gun to protect them at all, they are too much in shock to process it all, or for another reasons do not pull the firearm and make a treat or shoot at the

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