Argumentative Essay On Gun Control

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One of the biggest/ heated debates going on in the United States is gun control. Guns are something that shouldn’t be taken lightly, they can be very dangerous. for instance all of the mass shootings that have been going on. However it is not the gun who gets up and shoots citizens, it is living breathing human being who shoots other people. Everyone try's to pin people shooting people on the guns which it is the complete opposite, the guns don’t pull the trigger itself humans pull the trigger. When the lion was shot in Africa they blamed the man for shooting the lion not the gun. Firearms have been used to protect this nation since the beginning, also they have been used to hunt for food and in sporting events.The second amendment is every citizen has the right to bare arms this is so we can essentially protect themselves from the government from over throwing the country. If they were to strip the guns away from the law abiding citizens they would leave them with out protection from the criminals who have guns illegally. This is why they shouldn’t change the gun laws, because it could make the crime rate increase. …show more content…

If the laws were changed it would leave millions of people with out protection. It would make it easier for the criminals who own guns illegally to break into homes with out a fear of the homeowner from protecting themselves. Yes the cops are there for protection but here response time isn't fast enough, you/ your family could be harmed before they arrived. Having guns can put fear in criminals, because they know of a possibility of something bad happening. Guns being taken away could increase home invasions and prevent the protection of families. Having guns in your homes can help you keep your families safe. Take away guns, could result in