Argumentative Essay On Gun Control

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A topic that has been sweeping the nation is the topic of gun control. In America, people want to keep guns because the second amendment gives them right to bear arms. On the other side of the spectrum you have people saying that the forefathers couldn’t have any ideas how guns would become such an issue in society today. While this dilemma is causing a lot of ruckus in our society, people are trying to find a middle ground between these two groups; no one can seem to find a middle ground. No one knows how to go about this issue. This paper is going to address topics include having a stronger gun checking system, having your social media checked, and lastly gun violence.
To purchase a gun in America you have to go through the National Instant Criminal Background Check …show more content…

If you live in middle-class lifestyle there’s a chance someone in your household has a social media account. People post all types of interesting information on their social media account. Nowadays kids and adults alike post whatever they want to. When you go to get your gun license you will probably take a simple ten question quiz. The questions on this quiz are rudimentary; some of these questions can be “are you a fugitive of the law” or “do you mean America any harm” anyone could answer these questions. Those questions don’t tell much about the person taking the test. A person can easily lie on these tests. The government should check a little bit deeper in your background. The thing that should be included should be your social media. Everyone’s social media is free to the public, so the government should be allowed to check your social media. This might be the best way to find out a person’s real view of certain topics. The test might reveal some information about the person but not enough where you trust them with a firearm. A simple look through a person’s social media will tell you who the person really