
Argumentative Essay On Immigration

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As a world leader, there are many questions about the level of restrictions when it comes to immigration. Since the basis of the U.S. is to give people freedom from their earlier restraints, I believe immigration restrictions should be fairly broad. People should give identification and reason for travel. Allowing immigration would help with unemployment rates. A wide variety of immigrants should be accepted because they can all provide something to the country, whether it is intelligence, material resources, or physical labor.

Generally, immigration has been a tricky subject for the United States. It was seen as a place of opportunity and welcome to all immigrants. After the Industrial Revolution, there have been worries of immigrants taking the jobs of U.S. citizens. This led to accusations of immigrants bringing drugs and such, leading to even more negative views of immigrants. I believe immigrants should be accepted with identification and reason of travel, such as …show more content…

Change may stress people out due to the pressure to adapt. Too much change can lead someone to spiral because they are unable to adapt fast enough. I believe there is a moral obligation to maintain the current cultural status quo. Conflict starts due to clashing beliefs and cultures, and this is why the U.S. has so much polarization. The idea behind creating the United States was made to crumble. Allowing immigration will help maintain the wide range of cultures present. After gaining independence from Great Britain, the U.S. wanted to welcome all people with a range of opinions and religions, which seems amazing, but is built for failure. Creatures were never made to harmonize and allowing people from all backgrounds to live in close proximity to each other will result in constant conflict and fighting. If that is the predetermined future for the United States, then might as well take some good from it by giving people a place to

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