
Argumentative Essay On Immigration

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“According to the poll, commissioned by the Center for Immigration Studies, which advocates for less immigration, 54 percent of Americans believe there has been “too little effort” put into enforcing U.S. immigration laws” Out of all the issues the major problem the United States (U.S.) deals with right now is immigration. It is a major issue because there are so many immigrants and the people don’t know how to handle them, but there are a few things that the government can do to fix it.
Due to Obama Administration there has been increase in immigration to America. Instead of deporting the immigrants they have granted citizenship to millions of illegal immigrants. People who support what Obama has done have tried to convince the people that …show more content…

Due to recent “actions and executive orders that President Obama has immigration have made it clear that any amnesty bill, even if it promises enforcement, would only result in more broken promises.” Amnesty would create more problem by encouraging immigration which would be costing million to of tax dollars that could be put to better use such as welfare or economy. Instead of trying to waste tax dollars on harmful immigration programs/policies, we should find solutions that are goings help America immigration system to become reliable. With this issue the U.S. can do many thing to solve the problem or maintain it from becoming worse than it already …show more content…

can use to fix immigration is that they need to strengthen enforcement within the nation as well as they have with the borders. “The Administration has explicitly declared that most illegal immigrants in the U.S. are not enforcement priorities and will not be removed”. This has lead to many illegal immigrants working under the table and being paid less than the average U.S. citizen. It also leads to not enough job opening for the citizens who need to work to achieve the “American Dream”. One of the important things the nation can do to stop illegal immigration and solve the problem we have today with immigration is to enforce the immigration laws that are already stated within the

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