Argumentative Essay On Obama Care

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In the United States, the cost of healthcare has been on the rise for decades and it is still escalating. Obamacare, also known as the Affordable Care Act, was set in place by President Obama to reduce health care costs and give affordable health insurance to Americans yet the effects that Obamacare has had on the American people and our economy clearly demonstrate the Act was ineffective. Throughout President Obama’s term, premiums have increased by an alarming 51%. The Act has in part discouraged some Americans of pursuing a job with better pay since the ACA rewards citizens who earn less with more affordable healthcare. The Act also reduced the citizens’ right to choose from a wide array of private health insurance, since most insurers were forced to cancel policies that did not meet the law’s standards. These are some of the reasons Obamacare has failed the American people and why it must be reformed to cater the needs of the 322 million American citizens. …show more content…

The American Health Care Act (AHCA) fails to protect our low-income citizens and women seeking basic health services. I do not condone taxpayer money going towards abortion, yet I will not vote to deny the women of our country the broad health services that Planned Parenthood provides. Protection to women is vital in our society and denying them help is borderline unconstitutional. Structural reforms to Medicaid programs must be conducted and supported but under AHCA the stability and the endorsement for the programs and the expansion of such is not seen which deeply concerns me. Medicaid has aided a large portion of Alaskans, especially during a time where our state’s taxes are higher than anywhere else in the country. Therefore, I will strongly advocate for the protection of Medicaid

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