Argumentative Essay: The Decriminalization Of Marijuana

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Its time to change the negative social out look on pot ! Marijuana should be legalized for the decriminalization, medical, and economical benefits that will follow after legalization.

Decriminalizing marijuana will free up police resources for more serious and life threatening crimes and incidents. Taxpayers annually spend between
7.5 – 10 million arresting and prosecuting people for marijuana related charges. 90% of these people use marijuana for personal use only. Also, many people believe that the decriminalization of marijuana will lead to a increase of the use, this is actually false. Government studies show that marijuana decriminalization has had no effect on marijuana use and or the social attitude towards marijuana. More damage is caused by the …show more content…

There are many different reasons as to why someone might want to get a medical card. Pain is the main reason whether its from headaches, cancer, glaucoma, or nerve pain. Yes marijuana is unhealthy when smoked. Its common knowledge that anything inhaled into your lungs is unhealthy. Anything smoked will damage our bodies one way or another but, there are healthier options available for medical cannabis. Vaping and edibles are a much healthier way of getting the affect you want without the gross habit of smoking. Edibles come in chocolate bars, candies, gum, and many other forms of treats. Dr. Aaron Carrol, a professor of pediatrics in Indiana university school of medicine did a study to see, which is worse, Alcohol or pot? “After going through all the data looking at which is more dangerous in almost any metric you would pick, pot really looks safer than alcohol,” said Dr. Carrol. Most of the criminal activity linked to marijuana has to do with the illegal distribution. There are over a hundred thousand alcohol related crimes a year. That is much worse than what’s going on with