
Argumentative Essay: Why Americans Won The Revolutionary War

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The Revolutionary War began in the 1760s, when colonists protested taxes imposed by the British Government. These protest produced harsh British responses, which prompted yet more protests. This tension and mutual hostility led to war in 1775. The Americans, who had a population of only 2.5 million people, were hopelessly outnumbered and outgunned, against the strongest military force in the world. The Americans had to make an army out of scratch. The Americans had no chance. They had little to no army, no ships, no uniforms, and their enemy had a army of experienced troops, 300 new fighting ships, and on top of all that, the British involved the indians who were angry at the colonist for stealing their land. Despite overwhelming odds, the …show more content…

The Americans were fighting for their homeland and their freedom. They were fighting for their cause, and that inspired troops to not only join the army but fight their heart out for their freedom. The British, on the other hand, were taken across the sea on ships to quiet down a misbehaving part of the empire. A farmer defending the freedom of his family fights much harder than a soldier getting paid to do his job. George Washington reminded the troops of the of the personal nature of their struggle for freedom when addressing his troops in 1776. He said, “My brave fellows… your country is at stake: your wives, your house, and all that you hold dear. You have worn yourselves out with fatigues and hardships, but we know not how to spare you… the present is emphatically the crisis which will decide our destiny.” The British lacked this personal stimulus to defeat their enemy. The American victory in the Revolutionary War was in part due to the difference in attitude between the opposing …show more content…

They were fighting in their own backyards and in their fields. They knew hills, crevices, and hidden places, and this helped them win many battles. The British were unfamiliar with the terrain, and were accustomed to fighting in open fields. There was another advantage the Americans had. The British were across the ocean. The British had no men at the ready; no men to fight at a second’s notice. They had to cross an ocean to get supplies, men, and other things to get to the Americans, which was time consuming, expensive and unpredictable. British communications were delayed by multiple weeks. In contrast, the American colonies were full of men ready to fight at a seconds notice. Men that were trained to be ready to fight on short notice, or minute men, were like a spread out army, and they played a key roll in warding off surprise attacks from the British all over the

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