Arguments Against Abortion

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Abortion shouldn’t be legalized Abortion is the practice of removing a fetus from a woman while she is pregnant. In the year 1973, Roe vs. Wade was a very important court case in which a single pregnant woman went head to head with the state of Texas to debate them not allowing for abortion to be performed. Roe won the case for getting an abortion and it was then legalized in Texas. In today’s world, many people argue over whether or not abortion should or should not be legalized. The beliefs of these different people have been grouped into two different categories. The believers of pro-life think that human beings are a part of life once they are conceived and should be treated as such. The prochoice believers argue that abortion should be …show more content…

These two groups of people each have valid and different points to consider. The group of pro-life believers argue the point that once a baby is conceived, that child has rights just like anyone else. If a baby would be aborted at this point, a pro-life believer would say the parent of the child committed murder. If a mother conceives a child due to her own carelessness, she should have to deal with the consequences of her own mistake. If it is not her own wish to become pregnant, she and her partner should take precautions to prevent any unwanted pregnancy. Pro-life believers also agree that all babies, whether they are two weeks or two years old have a great potential to be something great. They argue the fact that aborting a baby is also a moral sin because most pro-life believers are usually of some religion and do not stand for such behavior. If a child is conceived within a marriage, pro-life believes that the child is of God. On the other end of the spectrum, a pro-choice believer argues that an abortion under 20 week’s gestation or in the first term of pregnancy is completely acceptable. If the fetus cannot survive outside of the woman’s body, pro-choice believes that it is not …show more content…

She was in a debate with the state of Texas who at the time, did not allow abortion to be legal. The Supreme Court decided to rule its decision on the fourteenth amendment which extended the women’s rights to proceed with their own decisions to have an abortion. Since the year of 1973 when it was officially legalized, over 59 million abortions have been performed in the United States. Abortion is becoming too widespread and it is killing too many Americans. The acts of terminating a pregnancy can be considered murder. These children are voiceless and cannot speak for themselves. In reality, the fourteenth amendment was actually designed to protect unborn children. During the year of 1860 through the 1900’s, it was a crime to proceed with abortion and was looked upon as a felony in just about every state in the United States. The fourteenth amendment declared that all human beings were granted the rights to equality and protection no matter what their race, gender, ethnicity, poor or rich. The United States also has federal laws that should protect an unborn child. One of these laws is the death penalty. The federal law prohibits a pregnant woman to be led to death row while she is still pregnant. It states that she must give birth before they will proceed. The federal law states that a

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