Arguments Against Bilingual Education

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The United States has been locked in a long fierce debate about bilingual education and it continues to bring opposite sides between nationalist and the supporters of the program into a voting area in order to pass or deny bilingual education. It seems that nearly everyone in California, have a strong opinion on whether children with little fluency in English should be taught academic content in their home language or if they should learn the same way as all English speaking students. Bilingual education has been a part of the American education system since before the United States was forged into a collection of fractious colonies. It is said that instructions in a, non english student’s, home language can improve achievement in English. At least six quantitative research …show more content…

Other studies have found that even if they are instructed in their home language they will still have the same English results that are no different from results of English students who are taught in all-English instruction. Some of the experiments came from researches in Johns Hopkins University where they rigorous study how well bilingual education conducted to the society during the times it was passed. Some of the researchers from Johns Hopkins University studied data from Spanish speaking students in Texas’s Rio Grande Valley. From that information they concoured that bilingual education can help promote bilingualism without causing any problems to the learning of non english students. Other results have shown that even with Mandarin students who are in the bilingual education program tend to sustain or in more cases, excel in their classes with all English speakers in Northern California. The students who spoke Mandarin as their native language continued to show that they could speak with English proficiency as well outperforming almost all of their all English speakers