Arguments Against The Healthy Hunger-Free Act

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In 2010, congress passed the Healthy Hunger - Free Act. This restricted the amount of sodium, sugar and fat schools could serve at lunch. They were then forced to serve more nutritious foods like whole grains, vegetables and fruits. However, the overall response was that less kids were eating the school lunch. As a result, schools have been paying for food that doesn’t get eaten and has been modified to meet standards. Because of its poor results, the Healthy Hunger- Free act should be repealed.
30.5 million kids eat school lunch everyday of those kids 19.5 million of them eat free, 2.2 million pay .40 cents, and 8.5 million pay full price. While the government pays for more than half of the kids to eat, the 8.5 million is paying full price and the price keeps going up. Free lunches are great for families who do not have the ability to pay for lunches but what about the families who just miss the requirements of free or reduced lunch they have to pay a ridiculous amount for lunch everyday. When the Healthy Hunger- Free Act was passed it required schools to raise their prices six cents in order to meet reimbursement rates. That's an extra 108 dollars per year for families. Sadly that extra money is being spent on food that kids don’t like and won’t eat. …show more content…

Ever since the Healthy Hunger Free Act was passed schools have seen a drop in register revenue and more kids bringing their own lunch. Trash cans are overflowing with half eaten lunches because the food is too gross for kids. This creates another problem for students because they some decide not to eat at all, leaving them hungry tired and unable to focus. This results in poor overall health and grades. The Healthy Hunger Free Act did stop a lot of schools from serving unhealthy food everyday but it also led to more students not eating and enjoying school lunches