Explain Why Kids Should Not Have Restrictions On School Lunches

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I believe we should not have restrictions on school lunches. Feeding kids good food two times a day for five days a week will not kill them. Or maybe it will because some students don’t eat the crappy food. Studies shows cafeteria money as decreased very much since they changed food regulation. Kids are not eating lunch or they are bringing their own food from home. The school is pretty much starving kids because the food is so disgusting and they are doing nothing to change it. Schools notice they are also making more waste because students are just throwing away their food. It is none of schools business if kids are getting obese. They could be getting obese by what they eat at home not at school. If they want to get kids thinner they should not change the way they eat they should change the way they exercise. …show more content…

Back then every day you would see kids playing outside with their siblings and friends. It kept them fit and active. Nowadays the way kids have fun and entertain themselves is sitting in front of the television and watching t.v or playing games. The school does not help either. Yes they have p.e classes but most of the coaches are lazy and just let the kids talk and not be active. If the school actually cared about the children’s weight they should help them be active not starving.
Another thing, so what if the kids are obese. It should be up to the parents how they want to take care of their kids. It is none of the schools business if a child is obese. The kid can be going through a hard time at home and eating helps the kid feel better.
Oh yeah, that is why they decided to start putting cafeteria regulations. People have notice child obesity has increased badly so they decided to have students eat healthier foods. They don’t realize kids aren’t eating at all though. They are starving themselves until they get