Arguments For Abortion Research

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Abortion is a procedure that terminates a pregnancy during the first 28 weeks. There are 2 types of abortion, in clinic abortion or the abortion pill. The abortion pill is done no later than nine weeks of the pregnancy. To be eligible to receive an abortion the woman will have to get an ultrasound, counseling, and lab work, the whole process can last up to 2-9 days. The in clinic abortion is 99% efficient, the process only takes a couple of minutes to complete. Should abortion be legal or banned completely? There are many options on abortion many people believe that it’s not right. Due to religious reasons or pro-life. Pro-life is the belief that the fetus is a human, which means that the abortion is murder which is illegal. Religious people would see it as a sin to terminate the pregnancy, so they see it as murder. Some also believe that if the couple is responsible enough to have sexual activities, then they should be responsible for having the baby. When people have sex they always take the chance of getting pregnant. Some women use abortion as a contraceptive method, which means as a form of birth control or an insurance policy. (Guttmacher institute, 2016) states that half of women receiving abortions have had a previous abortion (“Abortion”). Instead of terminating the pregnancy women should have the …show more content…

The women should be able to decide what happens. Women’s economic and social equality has been affected by the ability to control their reproductive system. If a girl is sexily assaulted and gets pregnant, she should have the option to terminate or continue with the pregnancy. Others argue that if abortion is made illegal that death rate will go up, due to woman doing it themselves. They would use coat hangers, knitting needles, or radiator flush, or go to unsafe “back-alley” abortionist. Women who receive abortions are seen happier and stress free than women who keep or give their baby up for

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