Ethical Considerations Against Abortion

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Ethical Considerations on Should Catholic Hospitals be Allowed to Deny Abortions Introduction and Background While writing this paper, the purpose is to explore the debate on whether Catholic hospitals should be allowed to deny abortions. American’ attitudes toward abortion have often been characterized as “ambivalent,” meaning that most people’s beliefs about abortion are not consistently pro-choice or pro-life (Strickler & Danigelis, 2002). The support for legal abortion has declined in recent years, while the support for restrictions on abortion is on the rise. Abortion rights opponents have promoted this sentiment to advocate for laws that focus on influencing a woman’s abortion decision. As of March 2012, 26 states had a waiting period …show more content…

When the Supreme Court ruled in 1973, that autonomous abortion rights are written into the Constitution, it gave all the mothers the right to decide whether she wanted to proceed with an abortion, for any reason at all. With that being said, states have begun to make it more difficult to access abortion services by putting more restrictions in place, in hopes that the number of women thinking of abortion will decrease. These restrictions range from requiring abortions after 15 weeks to be provided in a licensed surgical center to requiring providers to have expensive ultrasound equipment on-site (Jones, Henshaw, Finer, & Zolna, …show more content…

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